Cell Biology Seminar

Mondays - 11:15

Room C161, IZB, Baltzerstrasse 4, 3012 Bern

ICB Seminars Spring Semester 2025




Talk Title

03. March, 2025 Prof. Dr. Andrew Oates
(invited by Dr. Maciej Dobrzynski)
EPFL "On timers and clocks in development"
17. March, 2025 Prof. Dr. Miriam Stoeber
(Invited by Prof. Dr. Olivier Pertz)
University of Geneva Spatiotemporal logic of GPCR signal transduction
24. March, 2025 Prof. Dr. Maria Hondele
(Invited By Prof. Dr. Peter Meister)
Biozentrum Basel DEAD-box ATPases as regulators of biomolecular condensates and membrane-less organelle
28. March, 2025
(Room C159)
Prof. Dr. Maria Olmedo
(Invited by Prof. Dr. Benjamin Towbin)
Department of Genetics, University of Sevilla, Spain “Maintenance of cell quiescence during starvation in C. elegans
07. April, 2025 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Keil
(Invited by Prof. Dr. Benjamin Towbin)
Institut Curie Quantitative guiding of developmental cell fate transitions using Waddington landscapes
28. April, 2025 Prof. Dr. Kirsty Wan
(Invited by Prof. Dr. Eva Glünz)
Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter TBD
05. May, 2025 Dr. Girish Mali
(Invited by Prof. Dr. Eva Glünz)
University of Oxford Chaperoning ciliary dynein motors from assembly to activation
12. May, 2025 Prof. Dr. Verdon Taylor
(Invited by Prof. Dr. Olivier Pertz)
University of Basel Dynamic gene regulation at the post-transcriptional level
19. May, 2025 Prof. Dr. Katharina Sonnen
(Invited by Prof. Dr. Olivier Pertz)
Hubrecht Institute, Netherlands Signalling dynamics in embryonic development and tissue homeostasis

Friday, March 28th, 2025 - 10:00 - Baltzerstrasse 4, Room C159

Photo of Prof. Dr. Maria Olmedo

Prof. Dr. Maria Olmedo | University of Savilla, Spain | “Maintenance of cell quiescence during starvation in C. elegans”

Living organisms constantly face situations of feast and famine. Energy homeostasis mechanisms help to deal with changes in nutrient availability, adjusting development, growth, and reproduction. The maintenance of energy homeostasis in multicellular organisms relies on nutrient sensing pathways that signal in a cell non‑autonomous manner to coordinate growth and development across tissues. The Olmedo laboratory uses the postembryonic developmental programm of C. elegans as a model to study how nutrient sensing pathways control cell proliferation and arrest. They have a special focus in L1 arrest, a starvation-induced reversible arrest at the first larval stage. They use L1 arrest as a model to study the mechanisms involved in ageing and in maintenance of the proliferation potential during cell quiescence.

Monday, April 7th, 2025 - 11:15 - Baltzerstrasse 4, Room C161

Photo of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Keil

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Keil | Institut Curie | "Quantitative guiding of developmental cell fate transitions using Waddington landscapes"

Wolfgang Keil is a theoretical physicist by training and did his PhD work in Theoretical Neurophysics studying visual information processing and the formation of neural circuits during mammalian brain development and evolution. For his postdoc, he transitioned to experimental work in developmental biology, focusing on the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). In his current work, he combines bioengineering, microfluidics, live imaging and computational modeling to study cell-fate decisions, cell-lineage variability and genetic circuits that encode developmental time and timing.